
Arieba Urolo Erebhe Elena Osi Ota Ishan: omokhere /o-mo-khe-re/ SUA kasahorow 10: Omokhere omokhere

Arieba Urolo Erebhe Elena Osi Ota Esan: egbele /egbele/ SUA kasahorow 10: Omokhere egbele #arieba
"Hillsong – Atweaseboɔ" Osi Ebaroleta

Muelokwere "Hillsong – Atweaseboɔ". "Atweaseboɔ" irio ilolo. Ilolo ọni osi urolo ọni irio Akan. Ebar

Add "ogah" in Esan to your vocabulary. ogah /-og-ah/ Examples of ogah Indefinite article: ogah Def

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My Body In Esan

Learn vocabulary about the body in Esan. Esan Library Books English: My Body in Esan Français: Mon

Arieba Urolo Erebhe Elena Osi Ota Esan: eki-uwa /eki-uwa/ SUA kasahorow 10: Omokhere eki-uwa #ari

Add "ehe" in Esan to your vocabulary. ehe, exc /-eh-e/ Esan Library (Ebe Series 11) English: Concis